Qualification Code: AHC51920

Qualification: Diploma of Agronomy

Course Category: Agriculture


Diploma of Applied Agronomy


Longerenong College Course Code: AHC51920
Study Mode: Online and/or face to face on campus delivery
Course Length: 1 Year Full-Time
Course Commencement: Enrolments open February and July each year

The Diploma of Agronomy is an industry focussed diploma program featuring a range of course delivery options from full time face to face through to almost entirely online. The flexible delivery mode makes this course ideal for people already employed in the industry who wish to undertake further study. The course has a strong emphasis on all facets of crop production.

The course can be completed as a stand-alone qualification or in conjunction with the Advanced Diploma of Agriculture course.

What are the potential career outcomes?
Longerenong Diploma of Agronomy graduates are highly sought after by agribusiness enterprises. This course provides individuals with the technical and applied skills and knowledge required to fulfil the functions of a professional agronomist. This could be in the area of sales, advisory services and/or research. The course outcomes are equally as valuable for those seeking to enhance the performance and sustainability of production agriculture enterprises.

How do I gain a qualification?
The course has been designed to meet the qualification requirements of the Diploma of Agronomy as listed in the Victorian State Register of Accredited Courses and Recognised Qualifications. Students must successfully complete a set number of 10 units of competency as prescribed by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

What do I study?
A total of 10 units of competency are required to achieve the Diploma of Agronomy and cover topic areas including:
- Fertilizers and plant nutrition
- Managing soils Managing weeds, pests and diseases in crops
- Selecting and using application technology
- Precision agriculture

How is the course delivered?
A wide range of study options are available and can be customised to suit the needs of the individual participant. Face to face on campus delivery varies from one session per week for 16 weeks to block (one week) unit delivery. In 2015 Longerenong released the Diploma of Agronomy in an on-line format so that participants can make efficient use of their study commitment.

These flexible delivery modes are invaluable for those already working in the agronomy field especially given that individual, topic specific and relevant units can be undertaken at the participants own pace while still contributing towards an ultimate qualification goal.


What are the entry requirements?

This course is open to people who meet one of the following minimum criteria:
- Completion of a Certificate IV in Agriculture or above.
- Mature age entry (at least 22 years of age) and demonstrated industry experience and aptitude for the course.

Can I get recognition for previous study/experience
You are able to gain recognition of skills and knowledge obtained through formal training, work experience and/or life experience. If you believe you are able to demonstrate the required level of competence in a unit you can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by contacting the Administrative Officer. Where you have already successfully completed the same unit of competency, you are able to apply for Credit Transfer (CT) for that unit. No fees apply for CT.


When do I start?

Guidelines for the commencement of this course vary dependant on the mode of delivery. Typically commencement would occur in February or July each year. Contact the Administrative Officer for more information.

How do I apply? 
Students enter the course by direct application to Longerenong College.
Direct application forms are available by contacting the Administrative Officer or go to Apply Now on the Longerenong website (www.longy.com.au)

Fees and Finance
Information regarding fees and finance is available by contacting the Administrative Officer via details below.


VET Student Loans
VET Students Loans are available for this course. Find out more here.

Need further information?
Contact the Administrative Officer:
Email: info@longy.com.au
Phone: (03) 5362 2222
Toll Free: 1800 814 294
Fax: (03) 5362 2213