Qualification Code: RII30920

Qualification: Certificate III in Civil Construction 

Course Category: Civil Construction



The qualification applies to specialist occupations in Bituminous Surfacing Bridge Construction and Maintenance, Pipe Laying, Road Construction and Maintenance, Road Marking, Tunnel Construction, Timber Bridge Construction and Maintenance and Civil Construction general occupations. The individual may provide theoretical advice and support a team.

To attain the qualification a total of 25 units must be completed. Units are dependent on the stream chosen. you must complete 7 core units, plus 18 elective units. Elective units have been chosen by Skillinvest based on feedback from industry. Where variations are required, unit selection will be made in consultation with the student and the employer


RIIBEF201E       Plan and Organise Work

RIICCM201E     Carry Out Measurements and Calculations

RIICCM203E     Read and Interpret Plans and Specifications

RIICOM201E     Communicate in the Workplace

RIIRIS301E        Apply risk management processes

RIISAM203E      Use Hand and Power Tools

RIISAM204E      Operate Small Plant and Equipment

RIIWHS201E     Work Safely and Follow WHS Policies and Procedures


RIICBS202E       Hand spread asphalt

RIICBS203E       Safely handle bituminous materials

RIICCM202E     Identify, locate and protect underground services

RIRIICCM206E Support plant operations

ICCM205F         Carry out manual excavation

RIICCM207E     Spread and compact materials manually

RIICCM208E     Carry out basic levelling

RIICCM210E     Install trench support

RIICRC201E      Repair potholes

RIICRC301E      Maintain drainage systems

RIICRC303E      Lay pavers

RIICRC304E      Maintain sealed roads

RIICRC306E      Conduct earthworks

RIIMPO318F     Conduct civil construction skid steer loader operations

RIISAM201E     Handle resources and infrastructure materials and safely dispose of nontoxic materials

RIIWHS205E    Control traffic with stop-slow bat

RIIWHS302E    Implement traffic management plans

RIIWMG203E   Drain and dewater civil construction sites

Elective unit selection should be discussed with your training provider to successfully customise a package to meet industry needs


Please contact RTO Administration on 1300 135 008 to discuss any enrolment requirements. 


This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding, eligibility criteria applies. People with a disability are encouraged to apply.