Qualification Code: RGR40218

Qualification: Certificate IV in Racing (Jockey)

Course Category: Equine/Racing


Certificate IV in Racing (Jockey)

RGR40218 - Certificate IV in Racing (Jockey) - Apprenticeship 


This qualification reflects the role of individuals licensed to operate as a jockey and compete in industry-regulated events in the thoroughbred racing code. Jockeys are independent professional athletes who ride racehorses at race meetings, barrier trials and trackwork. Most are independent contractors offering their riding services to compete in racing industry regulated race meetings, with some retained by racing stables. A jockey possesses the highest level of race riding skills, requiring a high degree of decision-making skill and reaction time during races, and the ability to exercise judgement when choosing mounts and assessing horse form.

The qualification reflects the requirement for jockeys to identify and advise on factors that affect racehorse performance; give advice on horse ability, fitness and progress; observe rules of racing and industry policies and guidelines; communicate with racing industry officials and media, and take instruction and advice from trainers and owners. It covers the knowledge required to perform on a daily basis at specific bodyweight and peak fitness and business skills required for self-employment to enable jockeys to market their services, and manage personal finances and business operations. This qualification is required for industry licensing and registration in some states and territories. Refer to the relevant state or territory Principal Racing Authority for current requirements

Apprentice Jockey

Up to 3 years


Refer to the Fees & Charges on our Skillinvest website 

To commence this qualification an individual must: have completed RGR30518 Certificate III in Racing (Trackwork Rider) or demonstrated skills and experience in riding and handling thoroughbred horses commensurate with the Certificate III in Racing (Trackwork Rider). Must be currently employed at and must have a training agreement with a registered employer from a thoroughbred racing stable to enrol into the apprenticeship program

To receive this qualification you must complete 11 core units, plus 6 elective units. Elective units have been chosen by Skillinvest based on feedback from industry. Where variations are required, unit selectIon will be made in consultatiIon with the student and the employer

BSBSMB303   Organise finance for the micro business BSBFIA301  Maintain financial records
BSBSMB305 Comply with regulatory, taxation and insurance requirements for micro business BSBFIA303 Process accounts payable and receivable
RGRCMN305  Participate in racing protests and inquires RGRPSH407 Educate thoroughbred horses for racing
RGRCMN402  Participate in media interviews for racing  SISSCOP308A  Model the responsibilities of an elite athlete
RGRPSH310   Prepare for self-management in racing SISSCOP309A Design an athletes diet 
RGRPSH405 Ride horses in jump outs RGRPSH422 Promote and maintain business arrangements with racehorse owners
RGRPSH414 Ride horses in trials     
RGRPSH415 Ride horses in races    
RGRPSH418  Set goals to improve racing performance     
RGRPSH419 Manage principles of sports science for jockeys    

** Elective unit selection should be discussed with your training provider to successfully customise a package to meet industry needs

This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. Individuals with a range of abilities and backgrounds are encouraged to apply