Skillinvest apprenticeship employment network

Skillinvest wins Apprenticeship Employment Network GTO Service Excellence award for the 3rd time in a row

Published 23 November 2018

Last night at the Apprenticeship Employment Network (AEN) Annual Awards night Skillinvest was awarded the Group Training Service Excellence Award for our Jobs Victoria Indigenous Employment Program. This is the 3rd year in a row that a Skillinvest program has received this award.

The Group Training Service Excellence Award is presented to a staff member or team/group of staff for a demonstrated outstanding contribution to the success in Group Training.

Skillinvest has partnered with the Victorian State Government (Jobs Victoria) and Victoria Police to provide opportunities for secondary school students that identify as Indigenous. The Jobs Victoria/Victoria Police program is delivered via the school-based traineeship program and is a state-wide initiative in Victoria.

Funded by Jobs Victoria after a successful pilot program ran and funded by Skillinvest, students are studying a certificate III in Business and undertaking an administration traineeship. The Jobs Victoria /Victoria Police program provides students with paid part-time employment in an office-based environment in an operating Police station, the employment and training are completed over two years. Pathways and further traineeships are offered to students on completion of the traineeship by the Australian tax office, Victoria Police and other government authorities.

Currently 30 trainees have commenced in 24 Police stations around Victoria. The funding will eventually see 60 trainees commence over a four-year period. More Police stations across Victoria are applying to have trainees employed through this program as it gains momentum.

As a values based, not for profit organisation, Skillinvest contributes significantly to the communities in which it operates and has assisted many Indigenous People to source and retain meaningful education and employment through the program and another Jobs Victoria Funded program designed to facilitate and broker 100 people who identify as indigenous into sustainable employment by mid 2020, the majority of these work placements  are targeted at the East Gippsland and Wimmera regions of Victoria.

Skillinvest General Manager – Metro, Dale Gemmell accepted the awards on behalf of all staff members involved in the program.