Trade Papers Now A Reality For Victorian Tradies
The Andrews Labor Government is ensuring Victorians who have done the hard yards to complete an apprenticeship can have their trade recognised through Trade Papers.
Trade Papers are a certificate awarded to those who successfully complete their formal training through an apprenticeship. It serves as a signal to employers and customers that this person can apply occupational skills on-the-job.
The previous Liberal Government scrapped Trade Papers meaning Victorians who completed their apprenticeship only received a VET qualification recognising their formal training – making it harder to get a job.
In Victoria, skilled workers are in high demand, which is why the Labor Government is investing $644 million to continue transforming skills and training in Victoria.
This investment includes $43.8 million to reintroduce Trade Papers, implement new independent assessments and update learning materials, and to create quality apprenticeships and traineeships for the modern economy.
Trade Papers are free to apply for at the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority website vrqa.vic.gov.au.
Minister for Training and Skills and Higher Education Gayle Tierney said “Trade Papers are much more than a piece of paper to hang on the wall – they are an official certification that graduates can be proud of and employers can trust.”
“We’re restoring Trade Papers so that tradespeople get the recognition for their skills that they deserve.”